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Community Guidelines

Last Updated June 2022

Our mission is to create unique experiences that will create lifetime memories and relationships. With this in mind, we want Eksperience to be inclusive, appropriate, and memorable for our users and talent alike. For this reason, we have developed these Community Guidelines (“Guidelines”) to help protect Eksperience, the fans, the talent, and others who visit or use our website, mobile application, and services (collectively, the “Site”). These Guidelines are part of our Acceptable Use Policy and our Terms of Service, which are hereby incorporated by reference, and any terms defined by the Terms of Service (such as capitalized words like “User,” etc.) have the same meaning here unless stated otherwise. These Guidelines apply to everyone, and clarify what is and is not allowed on the Site. By using the Site, you agree to our Terms of Service, including these Guidelines. In the spirit of keeping Eksperience a safe and welcoming place for all, we ask that you help us uphold these Guidelines by letting us know if they are being violated. If you see something that could be a violation, please let us know by contacting us using online or in-app tools or emailing us directly at We are proud of the diversity of talent, perspectives, backgrounds, and beliefs represented across Eksperience; and so long as our Users abide by these Guidelines, we know youll have the Eksperience of a lifetime.

Our Rules

All Users are required to abide by these Guidelines, including by acknowledging that certain conduct is prohibited, and certain content may be restricted or removed from the Site.

  • Identity, Age Requirements

    • Eksperience customers and talent must be at least 13 years old (except for certain talent, who must through a parent or legal guardian pursuant to our Talent Terms of Service). If you are under 18 years old, you must have the consent of your parent or legal guardian. You agree not to provide a false identity or submit any incorrect or misleading information about yourself. You agree to use your real name and your own photographs. You agree not to make fake or misleading accounts.

    • No burners
      If you’re mid-suspension or have been banned from the Site, you agree not to circumvent our enforcement processes by making another account. You also agree not create multiple accounts, unless you have a legitimate reason for doing so (for example, if you have a business account and want to create a personal one).

    • No transfers
      Your user account may not be transferred or sold. This includes a Talent User using a talent account for another character or persona. If you have questions about your talent account, please contact

  • Use of the Site and Products

    • We ask that you use the Site and products only for their intended use. You agree you will not engage in actions that are deceptive or misleading to others. This includes making requests that you know (or should know) would embarrass talent, compromise their integrity, or otherwise tricking, deceiving, or misleading them.

    • No fee avoidance. Fee avoidance -- taking any action to avoid paying a fee -- is strictly prohibited by Eksperience. This includes, for example, encouraging a fan to purchase any Eksperiences off of the Site or through another platform. A transaction initiated on the Site may not be completed off the Site.

    • Talent agree they will not artificially inflate their presence or reputation on or with Eksperience (examples: posting false reviews) or interfere with any other Talent’s business.

    • You agree not to misuse the Site by sending unauthorized advertising or commercial messages (including spam) or any other unsolicited communication.

    • You agree not to use the Site to spread lies, including misinformation.

  • No Illegality (including Fraud)
    It’s important to understand that our rules aren’t the only ones that matter; many of our Guidelines are based on laws and other regulations. Accordingly, you agree not to promote, encourage, or engage in any illegal conduct on, using, or directed at, Eksperience. You agree not to submit requests or create content that violates any law, regulation, court order, or other legal process, including attempts at phishing, money laundering, theft, and fraud. You further agree not to engage in the depiction, promotion, or trade of illegal drugs or other controlled substances on or through the Site. In reviewing potentially illegal conduct, we may (in our sole discretion) take into account additional context and the severity of the conduct in question.

  • No Hate or Disparaging Speech
    You agree not to use hateful or disparaging speech on Eksperience. You agree not to use language or content that attacks, demeans, dehumanizes, discriminates, or threatens violence on the basis of any legally protected characteristic, such as race, sex, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, or veteran status. You also agree not to post content that promotes organizations or people who promote or do those things. This includes the use of slurs and derogatory terms that are intended to disparage any of the protected characteristics listed above.

  • No Nudity, Sexually Explicit Content, or Sexualization of Minors

    • You agree you will not post or send or solicit pornographic, nude, indecent, obscene, objectionable or sexually explicit content anywhere on Eksperience or the Site. You agree not to engage in any sort of sexual behavior while using the Site. The prohibition on nudity and sexual content applies to real, mimicked or implied activity, and includes digitally-created or manipulated content.

    • Sexualizing minors is strictly prohibited. You agree you will not distribute, post, send, or solicit any sexually explicit content of minors, or any content that displays or promotes the physical abuse, neglect, endangerment, or psychological disparagement or harm of children. We WILL report to law enforcement any sexually explicit content involving minors.

  • No Cruelty, Harassment, Bullying, or Doxxing

    • You agree not to distribute, post, send, or solicit content that is, incites, or encourages, any action that is, explicitly or implicitly: illegal, abusive, harassing, threatening, hateful, racist, derogatory, harmful to any reputation, or otherwise objectionable. Additionally, you agree not to dox anyone.

    • You agree not to distribute, post, send, or solicit content that wishes death, disability, or other harm on our Talent or anyone else. You agree not to insult anyone because of their personal attributes (like appearance, personality traits, or intellector ridicule or taunt victims of tragic or violent events.

    • Lastly, you agree that you will not harass Eksperience employees.

  • Do Not Violate Intellectual Property or Other Rights
    You represent and warrant that you own any content, or have the right to submit such content, that you post to Eksperience and that we have the right to use such content. You will not post any content that does not belong to you or that you do not own the right to use. By using Eksperience, you agree not to violate, infringe, or misappropriate the intellectual property, privacy, publicity, moral rights, or other legal rights of anyone else when you use the Site. You agree not to access the Site to obtain information in order to build a similar or competitive service, and will not attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software or other underlying computer code used by us to provide our service. You further agree not to scrape or crawl any part of our Site, or engage in spidering or harvesting.
  • Do Not Violate Privacy Rights
    You will not post content that violates the confidentiality of personal data or personally identifiable information (e.g., contact or social security information) of others. See our Privacy Policy for more information on how we collect, use, and share personal information. We will remove content brought to our attention that depicts or contains personal data or personally-identifiable information of other users or third parties.

  • You will not attempt, in any way, to undermine the security and reliability of our Site. You agree that you will make no hacking attempts, efforts to bypass our measures to restrict user access, or make use of automated scripts to collect information from the Site or our users.

    Similarly, you shall not distribute files or content that contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, or other materials that are malicious. You agree not to attempt to circumvent any technological measure, whether implemented by us, any of our providers, or any other person, intended or designed to protect Eksperience, our users, or anyone else.


Keep in mind that you are responsible for your account and any content you submit. Use of any Eksperiences for any purpose other than the specific limited purposes described in our Terms of Service is not allowed and you agree that you shall not attempt to engage in any restricted use.

If we learn of content or activity on the Site that violates the Terms of Service, including these Community Guidelines, we will enforce them as we see fit, at our sole discretion. In addition, we may determine it is necessary to temporarily suspend your account while we are reviewing a possible violation and evaluating appropriate enforcement.

Depending on the severity of the violation, we may enforce these Guidelines by:

  • issuing a warning;
  • removing Eksperiences or other content from our Site;
  • temporarily suspending account access for a specified period of time;
  • permanently suspending account access;
  • contacting law enforcement; or
  • other action in our sole discretion.

We will consider multiple factors when deciding how to enforce these Guidelines, including the content itself, the severity of the conduct, and the number of violations by the same User (“strikes”). In general, we do not monitor off-platform behavior. However, we may take it into account under some circumstances and you agree that this is appropriate.

In limited circumstances, we may, in our sole discretion, allow exceptions to our content removal policies when we determine the material serves the public interest.

In the spirit of keeping Eksperience safe and welcoming for all, you agree to cooperate with investigations conducted by Eksperience and promptly provide any information requested by Eksperience.

Please note that if your account is permanently suspended, we will refund any of your funds that we hold, but will not refund those held by third parties (for example, fees paid to Apple in connection with an in-app purchase are not held by Eksperience and will not be refunded) within a reasonable period of time.

Appeal Process

  • Appeal
    If you believe that our enforcement decision against you was incorrect, you may request an appeal in writing to You must use the email address associated with the Eksperience account connected to our enforcement decision and include detailed reasons why you believe the decision was incorrect. As with all other enforcement decisions, the granting of an appeal is at our sole discretion, and these decisions are final and binding. ‍
  • Reinstatement After Suspension
    If we suspend your account for a violation of the Terms of Service, inducing these Guidelines, you may request reinstatement after the suspension ends. Any request for reinstatement must be in writing and sent to from the email address associated with the suspended account. The request for reinstatement must include: (a) a detailed description of why you would like to rejoin Eksperience; (b) confirmation that you have read and will abide by our Terms of Service, including these Guidelines; and (c) any other confirmations, acknowledgements or agreements that we request. A request for reinstatement in accordance with the above does not guarantee reinstatement, as decisions are subject to our sole discretion.

We reserve the right to update these Community Guidelines from time to time without notice. Please check back often for the most updated version of these Community Guidelines.